Monday, May 10, 2010

Time to Celebrate!

I raced home to find our APPROVED homestudy waiting for us in the mailbox! WHOO-HOO! This is such a huge step in our adoption journey! In a few days it should be in the mail and on its way to US Customs and Immigration, and then to Korea! YEAH!

Its definitely time to celebrate!

I made pink cupcakes with the Korean word for "baby" handwritten on them.


At our school, its tradition that if someone has big news to share (babies, weddings, etc...) they make a "Guess Who, Guess What?" cake and let people try to guess who and what there is to celebrate. I gave some pretty big clues since I frosted my cupcakes PINK and had Korean writing on them. We'll see if they guess it correct right away! hee hee hee... how fun!

Well... I better go snag a cupcake before they're gone!