Wednesday, July 7, 2010

They Chose Me

Here is a touching video I found on youtube about adoption. It definitely had me wiping away the tears! I love the ending how it ties into Jesus adopting everyone into His family. What a cool similarity and a reminder of God's amazing love!

To my dear daughter somewhere... never forget God chose YOU for our family!


Kelly said...

Hi! I came across your blog from Loving Leah... and I am glad that I did. I was hoping to "connect" with some other families adopting from Korea. We submitted our I-600A application about a month after yours. Our sons were 6 and 4 yrs old when we started our first adoption. (Looks about like your sons.) We have been so blessed watching them love and adore their sisters. I am sure you will feel the same way...I will look forward to following your journey to bring your daughter home!