Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Photo Album!

As part of the dossier that we sent to our agency (and will be sent to Korea), I needed to create a photo album all about our family. This will remain in our adoption file in Korea so it can be viewed by the birthmother or birthfather so they can see the family that their daughter will be placed with. If you know me, scrapbooking is a passion of mine so this was totally up my alley! However, as much as I love to scrapbook, I really struggled getting started with it. I think I had put so much pressure on myself to want it to be "perfect" for our daughter's birthmother, I kept myself from just doing it. I did finally dig in and finish it and was pleased with the results. I hope our daughter's mother will know how much love was put into it. It is such a small token of the appreciation and admiration I have for this woman I may never meet.

The Korean word on the front cover means "family."

The back cover was dedicated to her. It simply says "To a mother I may never meet, but will pray for daily. God bless."

There are about 5 more 3x5 pictures of different vacation photos tied into the binding under the vacation description brackets. I didn't want to photograph them all, so I just photographed the last Disney photo, but there were some others included to show various vacations we have taken.