Saturday, November 20, 2010


Our social worker visited Social Welfare Society (SWS) in Korea in October and had
the opportunity to visit the SWS main office in Seoul and their satellite offices. She
also visited their Baby Reception Centers, Unmarried Mother’s Homes, and Mother and Child Homes in Seoul, Ujungbu, and their satellite offices in Daegu and Busan.

She said she was touched by their tireless efforts in finding homes for children domestically and internationally and was very impressed by the facilities and the care that each of the children
receive. SWS is clearly a forward-thinking social service agency in Korea. SWS provides comprehensive programs for mothers who are making decisions for their child’s future such as counseling, nutritional support, reproductive education, and medical care. SWS also has Mother and Child Homes for single mothers who decide to parent. Single mothers could stay at the Mother and Child Home for up to two to three years. In addition to providing services to mothers and children, SWS also has long standing programs for senior citizens. SWS continues to educate and encourage open adoption with their domestic families and continues to be an effective resource for families and children in their community.

Its encouraging to hear the wonderful things that SWS is doing for the people and children of Korea. Knowing that our daughter will spend the first part of her life there, it makes me so happy to know they will be taking good care of her, as well as her mother.


Kelly said...

This is very encouraging. We have also heard good things about SWS.

Elisabeth said...

I hope soon you will hear good news! Waiting is really hard. She is coming!