I was so excited to find out we were
NVC OUT today, I really had no idea what was next! All I knew was that our travel call could be anyday or a couple weeks from now!! That's really all this little heart cares about!!
BUT... I figured I better find out the rest of the process....
What's next?
NVC OUT --> US EMBASSYNow that we are logged out of the National Visa Center, our file is being sent to the US embassy in Seoul.
US EMBASSY --> KOREAN AGENCY (SWS)The US embassy receives our file and sends a packet of information called the P3 to our Korean agency, SWS.
The P3 packet remains at SWS until all the information needed to complete the packet is available and the necessary documents can be filled out and returned to the US embassy. In order to complete the packet, everything on both the Korean side and the US side has to be done including the I600 approval, EP (emigration permit), Korean travel certificate issues, visa physical completed, class b waiver returned if needed, etc...
KOREAN AGENCY (SWS) --> US EMBASSYOnce everything is done, SWS then submits the completed packet back to the US embassy. Then the visa interview can be scheduled and the visa can be issued. Then they will call us with our travel call!!!
Since many of these things happen simultaneously, you really never know exactly when that travel call will come. It is harder to track now. We can call D.C. and check the status of things like when our P3 has been sent out or when our visa physical has been scheduled, but they are often weeks behind having the information logged into their computers. Usually people get their travel calls before D.C. can tell them what has or has not been completed. Our travel call could be in a couple days or it could be in a couple weeks.
Right now its like saying, "Hey, we're all ready on the US side. How's it going on the Korea side?" And then its up to our Korean agency (SWS) to complete all of the necessary steps (EP, VP, Class B Waiver if necessary, EA, etc.) so your Korean agency can return P3 to the US Embassy. Once all of the necessary Korean steps are completed, P3 can be
returned to the US Embassy, then Visa Interview is scheduled and then our Travel Call. If things are all ready on the Korean side, our travel call will come soon. If they are not ready on the Korean side, then our travel call will come later.
Please pray SWS has our paperwork set to go! We're praying Adelyn home! Soon my daughter, soon!!
Oh wow! It's hard waiting but it's so fun when things start moving!
Brooke Annessa
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