Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Only my wife...
Only my wife can walk into a store and spend a whopping $11 and come away with a cart full of "things". Such is the case with this little number she came home with the other day.
When she arrived home I should have known something was up since she proceeded to tell me of all the "fantastic deals" that she was able to find plus the coupon she was able to use on the entire I really care, I am a guy!! All she was doing is buttering me up for the biggest surprise of all. Then she hit me with the pink little jacket she pulled out last. It was at this point that she started to justify that when we get our little girl that she will need something to keep her warm and cozy (like our state is all that cold...what about Alaska or the arctic, now that is cold). She also continued to explain that she bought it large enough (2T) so that our little girl could "grow into it".
On top of everything else, she "claims" that she went into the store looking for some things for her and the kids...what I didn't realize is that when she said kids, she is including the one "kid" that we don't quite have yet. I know now that I will have to watch her like a hawk and be careful when she says " Honey, I am going shopping for some things is that OK".
To be honest with you, I am never very concerned about anything my wife buys, since I know she gets new items dirt cheap. And after looking at the jacket it is cute and I cannot wait until the day when that jacket will be filled with a giggling little girl!!

Amber's response: Ok... so justifiably, I did NOT go looking to buy a pink jacket... but come on... look at it! It was just sitting under that 60% off sign waiting for me! Even my Mom smiled that devious little smile when I showed her. "How crazy would it be for me to buy this?" I asked. It took her all of one millisecond to answer "Not too crazy!!" So now I have this adorable little jacket I can look at everyday and help me survive this long wait to bring her home. The cutest thing was that when I showed Jeff he first rolled his eyes and tried to tell me it was a "bit" too early to be buying clothes. But then he looked at it and just smiled that tell-all smile. I knew under all that guy "logic", the Daddy in him secretly loved it too!


Hardcorescrapper said...


Too cute! Now when you two bring my niece home, it will be the hottest week of the won't come in handy then...but wait....Michigan has 4 seasons...sping, summer, fall and winter! Now all you need are pink snowpants, pink boots, pink mittens, pink scarf and a pink hat. Look our boys, you are going to be seeing alot of pink!

Love, Julie

Hardcorescrapper said...


.... and don't forget the pink swimming suit, pink flip flops, pink sunglasses, pink spring jacket, pink shorts, pink shirts... Jeff REALLY doesn't know what he's in for!!!! LOL!