Sunday, February 28, 2010

Crochet project!!

One of my dear friends, Christine, has totally and completed gotten me hooked on a website called Etsy. Its basically like Ebay, but specializes in handmade and vintage items. If you haven't ever checked it out, I must warn you now... it is VERY addicting! I will NOT be responsible for any future purchases, debts, housework neglect, or other projects that do not get completed due to your time spent on this site!! LOL!

Anyways, I was on it the other day and stumbled on the most adorable crocheted hats with flowers on them. I just knew immediately that our daughter needed one of these!! (Yes... I'm quite sure this is a NEED, not just a want!!). The handmade ones I saw were quite expensive, and then I stumbled on some crochet patterns. I thought what a cool thing it would be to actually make her one instead of buy her one! Now granted... I have never ever crocheted or knitted, but the pattern said "super easy" and being a crafty person, I thought why not give it a try???

So... here begins my next project! We'll see if it actually turns out like the picture!! Wish me luck! Our daughter may end up with a lop-sided hat, but it will be made out of love!!!