We just received our next round of paperwork from Spence-Chapin!
This is our Korea specific paperwork and outlines all of the information about adopting from Korea and what we need to do for the dossier that will be sent to Korea. Most of the paperwork is ordering official copies of documents like marriage certificates and birth certificates. We also have to complete a checklist of what types of minor special needs that we may consider in our child.
The one part I am excited about is we have to create a family photo album that will be shown to our daughter's birth parents! This is TOTALLY up my alley! It needs to showcase who we are as a family, what our house is like, what we do for fun, holidays, vacations, etc... Basically a glimpse into the life that she will be coming into. I get to scrapbook! YEAH!! What a wonderful thing I can do for my daughter's birth parents! I can't wait to get started!!!
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