Monday, August 9, 2010

"Almost" to Korea!

We received an e-mail from our agency that they received our dossier and everything is ALMOST ready to be sent to Korea. The only thing we have to do first is a Korean webinar (online seminar). Its scheduled for next week so once we complete that, our agency will let us know when our dossier and homestudy have officially been sent to Korea. Our social worker said it should be in the mail August 20! YEAH!! Will keep you posted!

Then the official wait for our referral begins!


Todd and Erin said...

I just found your blog. Your scrapbook is amazing!!! Wishing you the best of luck on your adoption journey. BTW, I LOVE the song, "While I'm Waiting"!


Mikelle Jade said...

Super cute album. You're so artistic. I am a Korean Adoptee myself. I am glad you are sharing your journey :) Good luck with everything!

Elisabeth said...

Oh my. This is beautiful. I wish I would have thought to do an album. I just sent pictures. I am amazed at how beautiful it is!! And I love how you wrote in Korean. Do you ever do albums for others? (For a price?) You have to let me know if you do!!