Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Labor of my Heart

This beautiful poem was posted by a wonderful adoptive family who brought their darling daughter home in March. Check out their blog: Bringing AnnElise Home To Her Forever Family. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful post Elizabeth! This is exactly how I feel about our precious Adelyn too!


I would have given anything
to be the one to know
the pain of bringing you into this world
but it couldn't be ...

Though I did not bring you here
still I labored in my tears
through the long nights I prayed
you would come to me ...

You are the labor of my heart Child,
you are the labor of my heart
with all my strength I prayed
till they laid you in my arms Child,
you are the labor of my heart ...

Blessed be the maker
of bone of other bone.
He made flesh of my desire
and today I take you home...

You are the labor of my heart Child,
you are the labor of my heart
with all my strength I prayed
till they laid you in my arms Child,
you are the labor of my heart Child,
you are the labor of my heart...

Author Unknown


Elisabeth said...

What a blessing! She is so tiny! Love you got those!