Thursday, June 30, 2011

Random Cuteness!

Here are some pictures from the last few days! What a cutie!

Adelyn is doing sooooo good! She eats anything and everything- she's a GREAT eater! And we are finally getting her on a more regular schedule of naps. She is even sleeping in her crib during the day for naps and not minding at all! Even our nights are improving! We have a co-sleeper attached to our bed and she has been "almost" sleeping through the night with no more crying- just a few whimpers 4-5 times a night when she wakes and can't find her pacifier. She usually goes right back to sleep with a few pats and rubs on her back. I think it may be awhile before I get a full night's sleep again, but each night is getting better! I think the hard crying we experienced the first 4 days during the night was grieving, but she seems to be over that for now and bonded so well to our family. She is even happy and not scared at all of friends or family who come by. We are so happy she is part of our family!!!

Monday, June 27, 2011

Pool Party!

Yesterday was a perfect summer day with hot temperatures. The boys wanted to get our kiddie pools out so they could play in them. Knowing how much Adelyn loves the water, we put her little bathing suit on and went to join the fun! She was sooooo adorable splashing and having a great time! Our friend Anni and her kids came to visit and her daughter even crawled in the water with her dress on to have some fun too! Adelyn warmed up to everyone quickly and was all smiles! What a cutie!

First Family Bath!

Saturday night, we had our first bath with ALL of the kiddos together in the tub! It was so cute! Adelyn LOVES the water and had a bath every night with her foster mom. She definitely got everything very wet with all of her splashing. The boys loved it too!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Operation Sleep...

Well... we sort of knew this might happen. Our little sweet pea is so messed up on her day and nights!! She had such a wonderful schedule going on in Korea...

Bedtime: 10:00.
Wake-up: 7:00.
Morning Nap: 10:00.
Afternoon nap: 2:00.

Like clock-work, you would give her a bottle, lay her down and she was out.

Well... that wasn't exactly the case after we came home.

We arrived home from the airport about 11:00 (I think?? Seriously... my own clock is so off too!). She just looked around and didn't fuss at all. Well... until she saw our cat. She was TERRIFIED of the cat! It was kind of funny. She wouldn't even look at her. She would just bury her head in my shoulder and hang on to my neck for dear life and cry. A little later, I sat on the floor in the living room and Una, our cat, came up to us. At first, Addi clung and cried again. But then I started to pet Una and of course Addi wanted to copy me. She would reach out and touch her as fast as possible, then quick turn into my neck again... almost like if she didn't see her, she would go away. LOL! Una started rubbing up and down her legs and soon Adelyn was giggling and petting her. That didn't take long! I'm sort of surprised since pets are very rare in Korea. I didn't see a single animal (except in the aquarium) the whole time we were there! So now they are good friends and she loves petting and touching her.

OK... so back to our first night...

After we were done with the cat, had a bath and had our pajamas on, it was time to go to bed. Jeff and I were exhausted. We tried to do our normal routine... bottle, rock, lay down... but she would have nothing to do with going to sleep. Instead she wanted to play. We played a little until she started tugging her ears and I knew she was tired... but she would not give in. She cried everytime we tried laying her in the co-sleeper (similar to a pack-n-play, but it attaches to the side of the bed and is raised up to be almost the same height as the bed). We walked with her, held her and talked to her. If we were walking around, she would point where she wanted to go. It was really funny! But then the typical screaming, "I'm too tired" cry started. She does this cry before she finally crashes so we knew we were close, but it was so heart-wrenching to hear. She may even be grieving a little and this is the time when she does it. No matter if she is grieving, or just tired, she gets very worked up and upset. I just held her and finally laid her on the bed between Jeff and me. She wrapped her little hands around my arm and went to sleep. I didn't dare move her. She was very content to be sleeping right next to us and touching us. This is how she slept in Korea too with her foster family. It was about 3:00 in the morning, but she did sleep the rest of the night- and even slept in until about 9:30!

We all woke up to her smiling and laughing. She is such a happy baby when she wakes up! We had a great morning of playing and eating. But her normal schedule was already off since we had missed her first morning nap. Then about 12:30 she fell asleep. We decided to take this chance to sleep ourselves and we all slept about 5 hours!! The boys played and watched movies so nicely so we could sleep. I'm so glad they are the age they are!

We thought we were doing good and we laid her down about 9:30 for bedtime last night. She went right down in the co-sleeper... well... until about 1:00 a.m. when she woke up and wanted to play! Oh boy! We played and walked around until about 3:00 a.m. and finally after some more crying, got her to lay down between us again and go to sleep. This morning she had her normal nap at 10:00, except she slept until after 1:00! We just laid her down again this afternoon and she has been sleeping for two hours! I think she thinks its night time right now!

It will be a slow adjustment to get her used to the time change, but it will come. Last night was better than the first night and I am hoping tonight will be better yet. I hope!

Flight Home

Our little peanut is sleeping, so its time to hit the computer and tell you all about our trip home! Here goes... (unless she wakes up! ha ha ha....)

Friday morning 9:30

The taxi arrived right at 9:30 and we piled in with all SIX suitcases, a diaper/carry-on bag and backpack. Its AMAZING how much stuff this little princess needs! ha ha ha... When we arrived in Korea, two of our suitcases were filled with foster family gifts and donations to the baby reception center. It was good since we had received so many gifts from SWS, her birth mother, and especially her foster family that we had two empty suitcases we could fill to return home with. We also bought many gifts for her that we will give her over the years for her birthdays. So we piled in the taxi and headed to the airport with Addi on our lap. They do not use carseats in Korea so Miss Busybody went back and forth between sitting on my lap and sitting on Jeff's lap. It took us about an hour to get to the airport, but she was great the whole ride. Once we arrived at the airport, into the carrier she went. I am so glad I have the Ergo baby carrier! It is so comfortable to carry her and she really likes it! It also freed up my hands to carry luggage.

Once we exchanged our Korean currency back to American (except for a few bills and coins to keep for the boys and her), we checked in. It took a little longer than normal at the United counter because of Adelyn's ticket, but soon we were on our way. We had to go through security and customs in Korea, but we got through without any delay. It was a little weird going through customs because we had our two American passports and Adelyn's Korean passport. After checking our passports, they ushered just Adelyn and me aside (which did make me a little nervous) and took her passport into an office. They told me to wait outside. Within minutes, they came back, handed us her passport and told us we were all set. I think there was a paper stapled inside that they needed. She smiled and waved to them and then we headed towards security. We went through security quickly without making us take her out of her carrier. That was very nice! They just gave me a pat down instead and checked the pockets on the carrier. By the time we got to our gate, they had just started boarding. We had just enough time to change her diaper and find some warm water at a little cafe for her bottle, then it was time to board the plane!

12:40, Flight from Korea to Japan

Our first flight was wonderful. We were able to get bulkhead seating which gave us lots of leg room. As soon as we started to take off, I gave Addi her bottle. She drank her bottle and fell right asleep like a little trooper!

The stewardess offered us a bassinet for her (it was a soft sided rectangular box) and she just fit and was able to lay flat. She looked so cute all snuggled up in it!

She slept for the entire 2 hour flight and was still sleeping on my shoulder when we got ready to exit. She got so many smiles and ooh's and ahh's from everyone. She is such a cutie!!

4:55, Flight from Japan to Chicago
After landing in Japan, we had just a little bit of time to get something to eat. We figured since we were in Japan, why not have some Japanese food! We found a little Japanese cafe and had garlic chicken and tempura fried vegetables and shrimp (at least we think that's what they were! LOL!). It was good, but not as good as Korean food! We love our Korean food! I already miss it!

Soon it was time to board. We were keeping our fingers crossed that we would get another empty seat next to us to be able to stretch out like we did flying to Korea, but no luck this time. We sat next to an older gentleman. He was very nice and didn't seem to mind her squirminess at all. We warned him that she did like to cry when she got tired, but that we were hoping she was going to do good on the flight. Our flight was eleven hours. The plane was great because each seat had its own TV screen mounted to the back of the seat in front of it. Also, each TV monitor let you control what you wanted to watch! There were movies and TV shows. Most of the movies were all new releases too! While Addi was sleeping, I watched "Unknown" with Liam Neeson (great movie!) and "Just Go With It" with Adam Sandler and Jennifer Aniston (hilarious movie!). The rest of the time, Addi and I watched Finding Nemo at least 3 times! She loved the fish at the aquarium and loved seeing the fish on Finding Nemo too! She would try to touch them on the TV. It was very cute!

Of course her schedule was completely messed up with the time change, and Jeff had set his watch to Korea time to try to keep her on her sleeping schedule. She fell asleep a few times for little catnaps for about an hour at a time, but nothing long. This little one has a VERY set schedule. She is used to going to sleep at 10:00 and if you try sooner, she just won't do it. So we played the "pass the baby" game for about two hours!

She played and played and was very happy, but was VERY active going back and forth between Jeff, me and trying to crawl over the seats behind us. We were counting down the minutes until she would hopefully sleep for the rest of the night (at least that is what we hoped). We could tell she was getting tired because she starts tugging her ears and whimpering. Soon the crying started. I tried to take her near the bathrooms, but she was really screaming. She gets very upset right before falling asleep and cries very hard. It lasted about 10 minutes and she was out. We tried laying her down on our laps between us, but she was very fitful and kept rolling and turning over. Of course, Jeff and I couldn't move and every part of our body that made contact with the seat was falling asleep! Finally, we asked a stewardess if there was a bassinet we could use to lay on our laps. She said she would check but there was only one on the plane! We crossed our fingers and guess what? She found one! As soon as we laid Adelyn in it, she settled down and slept much more soundly. We laid the bassinet on top of our two trays and it was perfect. We could stretch our legs and move a little. She slept about five hours until they turned the lights back on the plane to serve a meal... grr.... Oh well... she played very well after she woke up. Besides crying right before going to sleep, she was a great baby!

We finally landed in Chicago... very very tired since we had only gotten about an hour of sleep. We left Korea at 12:40 in the afternoon and somehow landed in Chicago at 2:30 the same afternoon... hmm... not sure how that works since my butt assured me that I had been sitting on a plane for 12 hours!! It sort of feels like you are a time traveler. Everyone around us said it was Friday afternoon, but we knew it was really Saturday and they were just crazy! LOL!

We saw a very long line for customs and got nervous, but actually got through very quickly. They never even went through any of our luggage! We did have a big envelope of paperwork for Adelyn that we gave the customs official and that was it! He just asked us some questions and sent us on our way after congratulating us! WOW!

There were so many people smiling at us and asking us if we had just got her. We must have had that proud parents looks on our faces! Jeff wore his adoption shirt that said "Fatherhood requires love, not DNA." It was so nice to be so close to home!

First Meeting with Uncle John, Aunt Sharon, Jackie and Danny!
As soon as we made it through customs, we called Jeff's brother who lives outside of Chicago. They had already all driven to the airport and were waiting to meet their new cousin/niece! Adelyn was sooooo good and so happy to meet them! She laughed and smiled and even let them hold her (as long as Mommy stayed close!). It was so great to have them see her bubbly little personality! She got the cutest little angel bear from them which she loves to snuggle with! Everyone was racing to take pictures and post them to Facebook! She has quite a fan club following her!

6:05, Flight from Chicago to home
We raced through security... of course American security is much different. They made us take off the carrier, remove our shoes, belts, remove the contents of our bags and even had to X-ray her bottle! It didn't make any difference how snuggled in and happy she was in the carrier... it all had to come out and off. I would have even opted for a pat down! Then in our hurry, I made the mistake of setting the carrier on top of our laptop. Big mistake. Had to re-Xray it again. The lady took her sweet time putting it back through the machine. Grrrr... we only had a few minutes to race to make our flight! As soon as we were through security, we ran to our gate. Adelyn laughed and squealed because of the bouncing as I was running. Finally, we arrived at the gate...

6:15, Still not boarding

6:25, Flight delayed until 7:05

6:45, Boarding plane

7:15, Sitting on plane

7:25, Still sitting on plane
At this point, even the captain is apologizing to us and telling us he has no idea what is going on and that they have been requesting clearance for 30 minutes. We finally found out later they were waiting on 16 college students who decided to take a bus home when they thought they were going to miss the flight anyways! Then there was a problem with baggage that had been brought out to load on the plane, but had missed getting X-rayed and had to be brought back inside!! Really???

7:45, Plane finally ready to leave!
Then it was really time to leave! We were going home! The flight was short- 32 minutes exactly. Adelyn fell asleep immediately.

Back in Michigan
Once we exited the plane, she started to wake up a little but was still so tired. I could hardly get off the plane quick enough knowing my boys were waiting around the corner for us! I missed them so much! As we started walking by a flight attendant, she said "This must be her." How did she know we were coming? But then we rounded the final corner and there was a crowd of our family welcoming us home with banners and balloons! My dear boys, grandparents, brother, sister-in-law, cousins, aunts, uncles... everyone waiting for us! I couldn't hold back the tears! I couldn't believe it! It was amazing! Jeff and I were both so choked up and overwhelmed at the support we have had to welcome this little one home. She is so loved by so many people! They even patiently waited an extra two hours because of our delay!

The boys came running up to us and Kolby was crying. They both missed us so much. They hugged us and looked at Adelyn and hugged her and said how cute she was. Then Adelyn started to wake up, but being so overtired, she was not her normal happy self... instead, she started crying... then SCREAMING. I have now learned that this is her tired cry and not a scared cry. Since she had just woke up, she was not happy! I felt bad that everyone was waiting to meet her and she was so upset, but we just held her and passed her back and forth between Daddy and me and pretty soon, the cries turned into little sniffles and snorts and then the smiles started! That was the little one I know! All smiles and laughs! She even gave her little cousin Aiden a kiss and tried to take away his pacifier! It was so funny! After a few more minutes, she was awake and happy again! She went to Amy and Uncle Jim to be held. She smiled at grandma and gave Carson a kiss. As we walked out to the parking lot, she was laughing and giggling at Carson and Uncle Art. It was so wonderful to have our family see what a sweetie she is! She is such a happy little girl and so outgoing!

Then it was time to say good-bye and we all headed in the van for her first car ride in a car seat. We weren't sure how it would go, but she just smiled, laughed a few times at the boys and then fell asleep! What a good girl!

It was so nice to be home! There were more balloons and posters decorating our house to welcome her home. There was even a huge plant on the table decorated with American and Korean flags. It was Korea's national flower! It was from
our parents, brother/sister-in-law, aunt, uncle and cousins. How special and thoughtful! I can't wait to find a special place in the yard for it!

We were so blessed to have had such a safe journey and that she was so good on the plane. I know these were answers to everyone's prayers. Thank you! Now onto our next project.... Project Sleep Through the Night! LOL!

Home Sweet Home!

Yes... we are HOME!!!

Adelyn is home with her brothers (who are head over heels in love with her) and to our forever family! She is such a doll! We love her so much! She is such an easy-going baby and so happy. She wakes up smiling and laughing! The only time she fusses is when she gets tired. She loves to swing and rock. She is even eating regular baby food- pears, banana yogurt, ravioli and rice cereal! She LOVES Cheerios and Gerber puffs too. We are going to try to make some jook (rice porridge) this week for her. That is what she ate when she was in Korea. She is such a wonderful baby. She plays well on the floor with toys and the boys make her laugh. She does like to keep Jeff or I in sight and doesn't go too far without making sure we are right there. But she is very content meeting other people as long as we are either holding her or standing next to her. I think she is realizing who Mommy and Daddy are and reaches for us whenever she is unsure of herself. We are so blessed that she has bonded so easily to all of us. She fits right in perfectly. We just love her to pieces!!

I know many of you have been waiting patiently... or perhaps impatiently LOL! for us to update on our plane ride home and how things went. Please forgive me for not updating sooner... to put it mildly, this jet-lag has really thrown off all of our schedules! It is 1:31 in the morning and I'm not even tired! ha ha ha ha.... Unfortunately, neither is Addi! I promise I will finish updating with all of the details soon! As soon as our little princess finally goes to sleep...

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Time to go Home

It is bittersweet leaving this beautiful country, but it is time for us to go home... home to our boys and the rest of our forever family. Adelyn just woke up after another all night, 9+ hour stretch. We are so lucky to have such an easy going little girl. We know that her schedule will be strange for some time (since she is like a tiny bed time before 10!!) but we hope and pray that she will make the adjustment. Please pray for us as we travel home and that she will sleep the whole way...LOL! Our next post will be when we arrive home in Michigan. We would like to thank all of you for following our journey, praying for our trip and all of the wonderful comments that have been posted. These mean the world to us, WE LOVE YOU ALL.

Day 5 In Seoul

N Seoul Tower

Jeff here...

Well it started to drizzle late yesterday afternoon, and then progressed into heavy rain through the night (Wednesday day and night), and it lasted all day today. However, this being our last day we were not about to let some rain get in our way. So we pulled out our rain gear and umbrella and packed up everything for the day and set off...Seoul Tower here we come. As we exited our building the rain was coming down and as I followed Amber and Adelyn I decided to put my hood up so I could keep my head dry...not the best idea. As soon as Adelyn saw me she started to scream and cry...I took my hood off and she was able to calm down...there goes all the work I put into my hair this morning (LOL). By now we are experts at getting on and off the Korean subway system. However the entire train ride we had to stand since Adelyn hates to sit down. After the subway, we needed a bus, no problem, just pick a stranger out and ask is amazing how the Korean people are so willing to help out perfect strangers. After some directions to the bus stop we managed to find the correct bus to take to the base of the Seoul tower (helped not by Koreans, but by a couple of young Japanese women...go figure). Adelyn was in a great mood as we traveled and she even provided entertainment for those on the bus squealing and laughing as people would play peek-a-boo with her.

Seoul tower is the tallest and most easily recognizable land mark in Seoul and I have read one of the most picturesque places to visit. Well... not so picturesque for us since from the observation tower we could see maybe four feet out since the summit was covered in a thick, dense blanket of fog, and rain. We still had a great time going up, mailing a card home to Adelyn from the highest post office in Seoul, and enjoying a bit of chocolate at a little cafe at the top.

After that it was back down to the base to do the most important thing of all...we went to put Adelyn's lock of love on the tower. It is a tradition that lovers come to the tower, place a lock there, then throw the key over the side to symbolize that they will be locked together in love forever. It has been popular with adoptive parents too as they symbolize their love lasting forever. We had decorated the lock at home. It had her name on one side, Forever Family on the other, GOTCHA DAY on the tiny side and we left it blank to fill in the date of her GOTCHA DAY on the opposite tiny side.

This wasn't our idea, people have been placing the locks on the tower for years. The story goes something like this...

"From old times, there was a story that if lovers make a wish at a shrine on Nam-San (Mt. South) it comes true. Since that, this place became a symbol of the place of promising and everlasting love for a couple with the hanging of a lock together. Hanging a lock of love is not just an expression of a couples' love by hanging locks, but meaning endless love..."

Here is an article that Lauren (How the Bush Grows) found and posted on her blog.


By Park Ji-yun

Korea Times Intern

Commanding a spectacular night view, N Seoul Tower on Mt. Namsan in central Seoul is emerging as a must-see for a growing number of couples, young and old. Along the ground terrace attached to the tower, hundreds of locks are hanging, showing off the eternal love of their owners.

The locks hanging on the fences with the keys thrown away are meant to ensure sweethearts’ vows to never separate are kept.

The idea of hanging locks originated from local tourists a few years ago who saw the same thing at Tokyo Tower. It is now enjoying a renewal after two TV stars, singer Alex and model Sinae, were seen dating there in the MBC reality program ``We’ve Got Married.’’ N Seoul Tower’s ``Locks of Love’’ event was chosen as a reunion venue for the celebrities on June 15 and since then has drawn great public attention.

``Lock sales have increased sharply after the scene was broadcast,’’ said Lee Jung-hoon, a member of the tower’s management.

A couple ― Do-hyeon and Yun-sang ― visited the place to celebrate the 3,000-day anniversary of their first meeting. The lock they hung reads, ``CYS, KDH since May 1, 2000. Let’s love happily forever.’’ The couple said they plan to visit the ``guardian’’ of their love again when they have a baby. ``It is a very special moment for us as we promised to love each other at this beautiful place with all the other locks,’’ Doh-yeon recalled.

The venue has also become quite international as foreign tourists, mainly from the U.S., Japan and China, do the same when they go to the top of Mt. Namsan by cable car or foot. A landmark of Seoul, the tower is 480 meters above sea level, standing atop 262-meter-high Mt. Namsan.

``We’ve never seen such an event elsewhere. I think it is a beautiful idea for lovers,’’ said Michelle and Michael, a U.S. couple who received a lock as their seventh wedding anniversary present from a Korean friend.

Most of the locks are decorated with drawings and stickers while some cannot even be called locks. Some used chain locks for bikes shaped as hearts, as well as pink and red heart-shaped ribbons on their locks.

Now that there are so many locks hanging, tower staff members are worried about maintaining them. ``From the weight of the locks, the fences are starting to bend. However, we currently have no plans to increase space,’’ Lee said.

As the number of locks increases, so does the number of problems they cause. As almost all the fences are filled with them, it is hardly possible for children to enjoy the surrounding view.

Since the event includes throwing away keys to prevent locks from being opened, there is a danger that other people under the terrace might be hit.

The tower operator put up a sign instructing lovers not to throw keys away and set up a ``key bin’’ for them. Some couples also hang their locks in inappropriate places, such as road barricades.

In some cases, the locks seem to have no binding power for couples. Lee said he saw a man who had come two months earlier return with a different woman. ``I was pretty shocked since I did the same with my girlfriend,’’ he said. “Sadly, this episode proves that some loves cannot be protected even by hanging strong, hard metal locks.’’

However, no matter how much locks save true love, N Seoul Tower’s Locks of Love will likely remain a memorable event for many couples who are willing to share and express their love, he said.

So it was our turn to leave a piece of us, a symbol of our love for Adelyn, Korea and our forever family. We decided to hang Adelyn's lock on one of the lock trees, more importantly the middle tree, third rung up left hand side. Then there was the key...well the tradition is to throw the key over the edge so the key went over the edge into the trees to be lost forever (I just hope I didn't hit anybody..LOL), forever locked on that tree, just like our forever family.

After that our day ended with one final visit to the Gyeongbokgung palace. By the time we got there, however, it was pouring down rain. But we did manage to sneak in a few shots of the three of us with the palace gates in the background. Even though the weather left much to be desired, it was another perfect day here in Seoul, our last day out to experience this magnificent city and culture. Tomorrow...the plane ride home.