Thursday, June 30, 2011

Random Cuteness!

Here are some pictures from the last few days! What a cutie!

Adelyn is doing sooooo good! She eats anything and everything- she's a GREAT eater! And we are finally getting her on a more regular schedule of naps. She is even sleeping in her crib during the day for naps and not minding at all! Even our nights are improving! We have a co-sleeper attached to our bed and she has been "almost" sleeping through the night with no more crying- just a few whimpers 4-5 times a night when she wakes and can't find her pacifier. She usually goes right back to sleep with a few pats and rubs on her back. I think it may be awhile before I get a full night's sleep again, but each night is getting better! I think the hard crying we experienced the first 4 days during the night was grieving, but she seems to be over that for now and bonded so well to our family. She is even happy and not scared at all of friends or family who come by. We are so happy she is part of our family!!!


Heather and Paul said...

Adorable pictures! It is great to hear that she is adjusting so well!

Suzanne said...

Love the updates and photos as always! :) Just waiting on an official Forever Family of Five photo... Happy 4th to all!