Saturday, June 18, 2011

Last Thoughts...


I knew that the day would come when we would get the phone call that would really change our lives. However, I did not have a full grasp of how much that call would impact our lives. First, Amber started to "nest"...meaning we cleaned, and cleaned and cleaned. Then we did projects that we should have been doing all along and then cleaned some more!!

So for those of you who have not been following here is how it went down...last week Friday (June 10, 2011) we finally received our travel call. I know Amber was jumping around laughing, crying and carrying on like a good mother should. Of course, I was also thrilled and told all of the people I worked with. Then all the work began since we needed to get our house ready to bring our little girl home. No worries, business as usual... projects, clean, pack... Yet, as the week went on I started to feel kinda sad too. This was so strange to me since this is what we have been waiting for for eighteen months! Our family is growing and we begin this wonderful adventure all over again and I am so thrilled to finally have that "due date" to bring our little girl home. Here I am so excited, but sad at the same time. And the more I thought about what was about to take place I realized why I was feeling the way I was. It finally hit me how this would impact Addi. I feel bad that she will be taken away from all she has ever known, from her country, but most of all her foster family. We have read the posts of all those who have come here before us but it has now just hit me and all I can say is that I am sad she will have to go through that. But this is our time to be strong for our little girl, let her grieve and give her as much comfort as we possibly can during this time in her life.

At the same time, I am so so excited to be here....half way across the world to get our little girl, and I know that she will be loved beyond compare. And when we arrived yesterday I was rearranging all of our clothes and I started to pull the outfits out that Amber has picked for Addi and it hit me. She may not like us right away, and that is understandable, but at least she will look good not liking us and that is fine with me!!


Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I think that has become my tagline lately! I just can't put into words the excitement I feel being halfway around the world and experiencing this INCREDIBLE country. Now I get it when people say it is so bittersweet to bring their Korean children back home... this is not a struggling, third world country. This is a bustling, high-tech, full of culture, embedded in history, incredibly beautiful country with beautiful people. I get it when Jeff says he will be sad to take Adelyn away from this. I will too. I wish she could have grown up in this country and that her circumstances were different. But I also know that God's hands have been around her since the day she was born and that He has known before she was conceived that she would be part of our family. I can't wait to have this little one in my arms! I can't wait to introduce her not only to her rich Korean culture, but also to our American culture. But most of all, I can't wait to introduce her to our boys, her grandparents, her aunts and uncles, nieces, nephews and cousins and friends who are waiting with arms wide open to welcome her home!!

Tomorrow is the big day when we get to meet (and hopefully hold) Adelyn for the first time! I don't know how I'm going to sleep tonight! I have so many questions swirling in my head. Will she be walking yet? Will she be babbling? Does she have any teeth? What is her personality like? Will she come to us? Will she like us..... just a little? Tomorrow is going to be such a huge day. We will let you know how it goes! Sweet dreams! Please say an extra special prayer for not only us, but for Addi too.