Sunday, June 19, 2011

Thirty Minutes Left to Go!

OK... as I look at the clock, I only have 30 more minutes before I go down to meet the social worker at SWS who is going to take us to Adelyn and her foster Mom!!!!

Oh my goodness... I think I'm going to throw up!

I have played at many, many weddings, been in pageants, played recitals, and directed Christmas programs with almost 600 students... and yet... NOTHING compares to the nerves wreaking havoc on my stomach and the sound of my beating heart. Who would have thought that a tiny 10 month old baby girl could reduce me to this!!

Well... this is it. This is the moment we have been waiting for! We get to see our baby girl! I can't believe it is here! Please, please like us Addi... just a little bit! We love you with all of our hearts!


Suzanne said...

Soooo excited for you both!! I keep reading through my tears :)) What a Father's Day for you Jeff!!!!! Have fun!!

mummyofprincesses said...

Have been thinking and praying for you all day! Can't wait to hear how everything went, and the miracle of this first meeting! :)

ksteele said...

I am so happy everything went so well! I too kept reading thru my tears of joy for you all!

Amy said...

She is beautiful!! Glad the visit went so well. Definitely a day you will never forget! Your post brought back so many memories of our first visit. :)

Elisabeth said...

What a beauty! Love her outfit and necklace! She looks perfect with you two! I am so happy for you! Sounds like a perfect meeting! Isn't it surreal? Like Amy said, it all comes back! Congratulations!

Shell-Bee said...

She is so beautiful! You deserve this!

Congrats on your new baby girl!

Shell-Bee said...
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