Thursday, July 7, 2011

Happy (Belated) Fourth of July!!

Our little sweet pea had so much fun celebrating her first American Fourth of July!!

We had a GREAT weekend! We weren't sure how Addi would do with so many activities, but she loved them all! Our weekend started with a boat ride with Grandma and Grandpa T on Sunday. She looked so funny with the huge lifejacket wrapped around her little head. We thought she would cry, but she just smiled. She kept trying to clap her hands, but she couldn't reach them together! It was so funny. Once we were in the boat, the faster Grandpa went, the more she laughed and squealed! She absolutely loved the wind on her face! Then she decided to start blowing bubbles with her spit! She knew exactly what she was doing and soon had drool all over her face. She was quite the little comedian!

On Monday, we spent the day at Grandma and Grandpa T's cottage on Lake Michigan. Adelyn had soooo much fun on the beach! She loved to sit in the sand and pick it up in her hands and watch it fall through her fingers! She also crawled ALL over the beach. She would crawl to play with the boys and crawl towards the water (although she would only get her hands wet- I think she was scared of the waves), then she would play peek-a-boo between the weathered posts of an old retaining wall. It was so fun to watch her make so many new discoveries! She finished up her beach visit with a dunk in the lake by Daddy (to try to get some of the sand off!). She laughed and squealed each time Daddy swooped her into the water! After we returned home, we went downtown to watch the fireworks. We thought she would be scared, but she watched them with wide eyes and even clapped her hands and reached in the air like she was trying to touch them. What a wonderful way to celebrate her first Fourth of July!


The Annessa Family said...

Amazing how she just fits right into everything! She looks so happy!

Brooke Annessa

mummyofprincesses said...

LOVE the pics! What a miracle little Addie is! :)