Somehow fifteen months just snuck right past me!
So, this will be a combined update! Not much has changed between 15 and 16 months anyways! Well.... except that her walking has turned into running and her hair gets longer by the day!
So... what else is our peanut up to??
*She is calling Daddy "Mama" and it drives him crazy! She knows how to say "Dada" but she continues to call him Mama." I think our little sassy girl knows exactly what she's doing!!*She is repeating EVERYTHING! She blows me away at how many words she knows, repeats and understands!*She has added some new animal sounds to her repetoire: She says "sssss" for snake, "hee hee (one is said higher, the other lower) for donkey (hee-haw), she says "ha hee" for monkey, and she does a chirping sound for bird. This is on top of her panting for dog, "meow" for kitty, ""moo" for cow and roaring for lion. I love listening to her do these!*She is identifying body parts. She knows and will say "eyes" and point to her eyes or proceed to jab you in your eye. She knows hair, ears and nose. We are working on mouth.*She will count to three! She says "one... two... THREE!" This is because we always count before we do things like roll a ball or car or tickle her. Now she is saying it by herself!*She is saying two word phrases like "Hi Mama" or "Hi Carson." *Speaking of saying hi, she says hi to everyone she sees. She loves to wave at strangers, cashiers, people in other cars, anyone who looks her way. She waves her little hands and says "hi." She will keep saying it over and over until they acknowledge her!!!*She is starting to create her own words which we are working at trying to decipher like "kk-kk"... she rubs her little hands together when she does it. I think it might be cookie?*She loves her baby dolls. She got two new ones for Christmas along with a stroller and high chair and bed and she pushes them all over the house in the stroller, tucks them into bed and covers them with the blankets and even feeds them with a spoon. Its so cute to see this pretend play! I often hear her saying "baby" and "mama" whenever she holds them!*Her hair is getting so long I think we are going to have to cut them bangs again! We trimmed them once just to even them out, but now they are back in her eyes again!*She is so snuggly and loving, but she has definitely developed an aversion to men. Within the last couple weeks, she suddenly will not go to guys - even grandpa, uncles or cousins! Now if you are a girl and complete stranger, that's fine... just don't get near her if you are a male! Daddy and brothers are the only exception!! *When her brothers are pestering her, she will push them away with one hand and say "go" "go" "go"... too funny!*When she is being lazy, instead of saying thank you (tink ku with a head nod), she just nods her head. Not sure where the head nod came in, but its so cute!*She loves ice. She can sit for an hour eating crushed ice!*She enjoyed her first Thanksgiving and Christmas! WOW!Well... that's all I can think of right now! Until next month....
Congratulations! So happy for your family!
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