17.... 18.... 19.... 20.....
21 months!!!
Not sure how or when this happened, but I'm quite sure we skipped the last four months!! I blinked and *POOF*.... they were gone! So what's Addi been up to?? Well.... she is a little sponge and sucks up everything she sees or hears. Here's the latest...
*After finally calling Daddy "Dadda" (instead of "Mama" which he hated), she is now calling him "Jeff"!!! It makes him so mad, but I think its so funny! If Jeff is outside, Addi will stand at the back garage door and call "Jeff! Jeff!" over and over! Its all about imitation and she copies everything! She hears me stand at the back garage door and yell for Jeff, so she does it too! We do make her say "Daddy" the correct way, but its still funny! LOL!*She is still repeating EVERYTHING! She blows me away at how many words she knows, repeats and understands! My favorite is when she echoes everything the coaches say at Kolby's soccer games. She's like a running commentary. "Go. Go. Go" or "Get ball." "Go goal." I can't help but laugh!*She
has added even more new animal sounds to her repetoire. My new favorite is "coyote." She tilts her head back as far as she can and howls. Then she makes me and Jeff do it too. Its so funny!*She
knows all her body parts. She knows and will say "eyes" and point to
her eyes or proceed to jab you in your eye. She also knows hair, ears and
nose, mouth, fingers, toes, foot, hand, belly button and of course BUTT!*She
will count to five perfectly and sometimes can make it to ten! Her favorite is still counting to three. She says "one... two... THREE!" and the "three" is always the loudest!!*She is saying two and three word phrases like "See ya. Bye Mommy." or "I want cuppy." or "Binky? Binky? Where it go?" We often hear her talking to her baby dolls. Its so cute! She has so many words she knows, I've lost count. Easily over a 100 words!!*She
is so snuggly and loving. She still rocks with me at night and if you say "hug" she will wrap her little hands around your neck, lay her head on your shoulder and squeeze. I could stay that way forever!*A little bit of sassiness is coming out... when we tell her no, sometimes she will say "No. Stop it!" back to us! Again... its her imitating what she hears (probably from her brothers when they fight with eachother), but I hope its not a sign of what the terrible twos are going to bring!*She loves praying at dinnertime. She will fold her hands and babble for about a minute, then say "AMEN!" I love it!*She can say her whole name if you ask her what her name is. First, middle and last!
*She loves to dance. If there is any type of dancing hip-hop music on, she starts wiggling and shaking her behind. She will turn and twirl and put her hands in the air. She's a little dancing machine! The funniest thing is when "Dancing with the Stars" is on. She will come up to me and reach for my hands and wants to dance like them and twirl around. Its so cute! She even does that in the bathtub if its on TV. She stands up, takes my hands and wants to dance!
*She is starting to go potty on the POTTY!! WHOO-HOOO!! It seems a little young for me (I didn't even start my boys until they were 3), but she seems very interested and has already done 2 poops! She knows what it is and will run to it and say "potty" if she has to go! Nothing consistent yet, but its a start!!
*She LOVES Curious George and will watch him for an hour if we let her. She even laughs at the right places!
*She loves to sing along to the beginning of "Sponge Bob." As soon as the boys turn it on, she drops everything and goes running to the TV to do the long "OOOOoooooooooooooooh" part. Then she jumps and dances around and tries to sing the rest of it. Its so funny to watch!
*We are working at weaning her off her pacifier. Every morning she puts binky back in her bed and says "Bye Bye. Nigh nigh." She only has it when she's in bed. (Monkey blanket however goes everywhere with her)
*She loves to draw and color
*She says "thank you" and "welcome" for everything. She's so polite!
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