Wednesday, December 23, 2009


You don't choose your family. They are God's gift to you, as you are to them. ~Desmond Tutu

We surprised Jeff's family with our news on Saturday during our family Christmas gathering. Since all of Jeff's sisters and brothers were in for the party, it was the perfect opportunity to share our news about adopting. We were both a little nervous - I felt the same excitement and butterflies that I did when we shared our pregnancies with them. Everyone was very supportive. How exciting to be adding another granddaughter to the already 14 grandkids! We definitely are a blessed family!

On Sunday we had the huge family Christmas party on Jeff's side. Jeff was so proud to be able to share our news with all of his cousins and aunts and uncles. Everyone was very happy for us.

We already told my brother/sister-in-law and Amber's parents and they are ecstatic! Since there are only three grandsons in the family, being able to buy pink is pretty exciting! I'm sure the first granddaughter will be very spoiled!

We will tell the rest of Amber's family at their Christmas party on New Year's Day. I can hardly wait!

God has definitely blessed both of us with incredible families and what a gift He is giving us by adding one more!