Wednesday, December 23, 2009


We just got a call back today from Spence-Chapin- an agency in New York that works with Korea. It looks like there's a VERY good chance our daughter will be coming home from Korea! YEAH!!!

We are so excited! God is definitely opening up doors! The agency has received excellent ratings and reviews and has been in the adoption business for over 100 years! Their Korean adoption program is one of their oldest and stablest programs. We would qualify for a primarily healthy infant girl and after our dossier is sent to Korea, we should receive a referral in aproximately 6-10 months! This is a dream come true!

Our next step is to send in our 10 page formal application. Please pray that we are accepted and that we don't hit any roadblocks.

Thank you for all your prayers! We will keep you updated as we learn more!


jill s said...

I don't know if you remember me or not...I cropped with you girls at Pages in Time a couple times! Anyways! I just wanted to say congrats!! That is sooooooooooo exciting! I really hope that everything goes great!

I also wanted to tell you that if you don't already have someone you know to take pictures when the time comes...I would happily take pictures of your new little princess for free. :)
