Monday, May 10, 2010


I found this poem the other day. It really sums up my thoughts and feelings lately . It seems that no matter what I'm doing or where I am, I'm thinking of our daughter. Even Jeff agreed that she is on his mind often. While on our cruise, I would see little girls with their hair braided and think of braiding her hair someday, or I would see a father holding his little girls hand and think of Jeff holding her hand, or I would see a little sundress and imagine what she would look like in it. Even though we don't know who she is or what she looks like yet, we can both still dream...

I dream of you all day
Think of you while I sleep
Thoughts of you are always with me...
Dreaming of the day that we meet.

I wonder about the little things,
What color are your eyes?
What makes you smile?
What makes you cry?

Who do you call mommy?
And is she good to you?
I wonder do you need me...
As much as I need you?

I promise you I'm looking,
And one day soon we'll meet.
Until then she'll take care of you...
And I'll see you in my dreams.


Elisabeth said...

These are beautiful!! I just love how you wrote in Korean on them. I am so copying this! :)
Great to "meet" you and I will be following your journey to your little girl!