Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Six months... interrupted!

This was the post that I had already written two days before our referral came. It was supposed to go up on Thursday, February 24 to mark the six month date of us waiting. But God had bigger plans. He gave us news of our daughter the day before.... five months, 3 weeks, and 6 days waiting since our dossier had been in Korea. When I went to delete the post, the words I had written struck me. God's timing IS always perfect. Thank you Lord for answering our prayers....


Six months waiting.

How can six months feel like six years?

It feels as if we have been waiting forever. But I know that every month does indeed bring us a month closer to our little girl. Please pray for patience for us. God's timing is always perfect, and we do trust that His plans are perfect for us and for our family. It just doesn't make the waiting any easier.

Someday soon I know I will be holding my little girl and six months will go by in the blink of an eye and I will wish time could slow down. But right now... it couldn't go fast enough.

Ring phone ring!


April said...

Get busy!!! Paperwork was the one thing that I felt I had control over. Made me feel good to get it out the door fast. Like I was doing all I could to get him home ASAP! Good luck!!!

Hardcorescrapper said...

Yes! I know what you mean! I felt that way with our formal paperwork packet in the beginning too! I'm working on it right now! Determined to finish it asap!!!!!!