Sunday, December 27, 2009

Touching video

While surfing around different adoption websites on the internet, I came across this very touching video. Its located on the Joint Council On International Children's Services website (which the adoption agency we are applying to is a member of). Its mission is to advocate and protect the right of every child to a safe, permanent and loving family. It recognizes that 143 million children live in crisis everyday without the support, happiness, heritage or love of a family.

143 million children.

143 million children live without ever knowing what a family is.

My heart broke when I read that. However, it also made our passion for adopting grow that much stronger knowing that there would be one less child living without a family. That one day soon we will be able to give one child a loving, healthy family. I may not be able to make a difference in the lives of 143 million children, but we will make a difference in the life of one special little girl.

Check out this video. Although I think it is a wonderful cause, I am not showing this to ask you to donate to their organization, but just to see why we know adoption is the right path for our family. It touched my heart. I hope it touches yours.