Thursday, January 28, 2010

Family Adoption Consultants!

After being formally accepted into the Korean program at Spence-Chapin, we are beginning our next steps with Family Adoption Consultants (FAC). We have been very pleasantly surprised by how welcomed we have felt with FAC and its workers. They have been extremely helpful and were even expecting our call! Our preliminary application was approved in less than one day!

We have already received 4 out of 5 (part 5 is being mailed to us) parts of the formal application and are beginning to wade our way through it. The application is 116 pages long! Much of this is articles related to adopting that we need to read. My printer is definitely getting a work out! Looks like bedtime will be spent snuggling up and reading as we prepare to become adoptive parents. Although it seems like a lot of work, I'm glad we will be aware of issues and topics to help us become better parents to our daughter!

Once we complete this application, we will be able to begin our homestudy! That will bring us one step closer to our dream! Please keep us in your prayers as we continue our journey! God bless!


ksteele said...

Praying for you guys!!! We are so excited for you!

ksteele said...

Praying for you guys!! We are so excited for you!