Monday, February 1, 2010

Hague Training

This weekend we attended our first adoption training workshop!

According to the Hague treaty (which is a treaty that was signed by most countries to ensure ethical adoption standards), all adoptive families that will be adopting internationally have to complete 10 hours of training on specific subjects related to international adoption. Our local agency, Family Adoption Consultants, arranges for weekend workshops a few times a year in order to meet these requirements.

Luckily, the workshop was held at a library just 15 minutes from Jeff's parents house! We drove in Friday night and spent the night with them and they watched the boys on Saturday while we attended the workshop. It was great for us and also great for the boys (grandpa fed them ice cream for breakfast!! LOL!).

We completed 6 of the 10 hours and had three sessions:

“Encouraging Attachment with Your Adopted Child”
Discover ways to “jump start” the attachment process with your adopted child. This workshop examines how and why attachment occurs, barriers to successful attachment, and what you can do NOW to avoid problems later.

“What is a Life Book? Honoring Your Child’s Roots”
How is a Life Book different from a scrapbook? Learn how a Life Book can be used as a concrete tool to promote attachment, reduce magical thinking and fantasy about birth parents, and enhance a child’s self esteem. A Life Book can help a child understand the past and build confidence for the future. No need to be creative or crafty. This session will focus on content. It is never too late to give the gift of a lifetime to your child!

“Medical Considerations for International Adoptive Families”
Address issues and concerns facing adoptive families including medical and developmental risk factors. Find out what resources are available to you as a parent reviewing a referral and where to seek help if necessary following placement.

We learned so much and had a great time talking with other adoptive families. It was a great weekend!