We are soooooo close to mailing in our paperwork to FAC! Our goal was today, but we are waiting on 3 reference letters to be returned and we still need to finish up a few of our auto-biographical questions.
We had to answer a general questionaire based on our family and parenting styles and also one on cross-cultural adoption based on aspects of having a multi-racial family. The cross-cultural one had 25 questions to it, but the questions were very in-depth. When I was finished, I had 14 pages typed with 8,000+ words!!! WOW! It was a lot of work, but was good to reflect on some of the issues related to having a daughter from another race/culture. Now I just have to finish a few of the general questions and Jeff has to finish a few of the cross-cultural questions. So.... our goal is to have everything in the mail on Monday if we receive our letters back in time. Wish us luck! Have a great weekend!
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