Monday, February 15, 2010

Jesus Was Adopted!

I was reading a book this week called "Successful Adoption: A Guide For Christian Families." I would highly recommend it to anyone. Its a great resource if you're adopting, just thinking about adopting or just want to know more about adoption.

However, I had no idea that I would be reading the first chapter of this book and make such a surprising discovery: that many of the most important figures in Bible stories were adopted! And even more... that ALL of these figures were used to save God's chosen people from destruction!

I read this and literally, my mouth was on the floor. I had never thought of this. It seems silly, but that revelation just empowered me and made me so excited! Think about it.... Jesus was adopted!! So was Moses, Joseph, Samuel, and Esther!

According to this book, "Adoptees have an incredible call by God on their lives to make a difference in this world. What a privilege it is to be the adoptive parents called to love, guide, and accept one of these special chosen ones. The stories of adoption, in both Bible times and today, touch and change lives."

If you think about it, these Biblical heroes would not have been in a position to do the great things they did had they not been adopted. Moses surely would not have had the power to lead his people out of slavery if he had not been adopted by the Pharoah's daughter. Joseph would not have been able to save his nation if he had not been sold into slavery and ended up with such a powerful position in Egypt.

The book also says that "The biblical message seems clear that not only has God deemed adoption acceptable, but also that he uses adoptees in great ways to preserve his kingdom."

It also states that "Adoptive relationships are obviously special in God's eyes. He sent his own Son to earth to have an adoptive father, Joseph. Jesus knew what it was like to have half-siblings. He must have known exactly what it felt like to be different, to share the love of Joseph and his name but not his blood or his genes."

I just think this is the coolest revelation! I know there will come a point where our daughter will question why she was adopted and probably struggle with this. I know I won't have all the answers for her, but I do know that I can tell her that the most important person in her life, Jesus, was also adopted and He always had a plan for her life and He knows what she's going through.

If you think about it, we're all adopted into God's kingdom. We're all part of his forever family. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else!