Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Busy Week!

We have had a busy week!

Saturday: Signing papers, reading required adoption articles, handing out reference letters, reading more adoption articles...

Sunday: Reading more adoption articles, Signing more papers, Carson gets sick with flu!

Monday: Stayed home with Carson... organizing papers, e-mailing questions to agency, continuing to fill out paperwork, print off needed immigration I600A forms

Tuesday: Kolby sick with flu! Jeff has doctor's appointment for needed physical, TB test, and all required bloodwork, picks up Kolby's completed medical form, Jeff gets employment letters back from work, read more adoption articles at night

Wednesday: SNOW DAY! YEAH! Carson has doctor's appointment for needed physical, Amber gets TB test and all required bloodwork, prints off credit reports, orders credit scores, fills out more paperwork, organizes all adoption folders and receipts

Thursday: Reading more articles, Jeff gets TB test checked, picks up own completed medical form, signs more papers at night, Amber gets employment letters and insurance forms back from school

Friday: Reading more articles, drops form off for Carson's teacher to complete, Amber gets TB test checked, picks up own completed medical form, races to be home for babysitter... ahhhhh.... a much needed, relaxing Valentine dinner out with friends!

And today???

We have been busy signing remaining papers, reading remaining articles, writing autobiographies, signing more papers, reading more papers, looking up financial statements, making copies of marriage certificates, birth certificates and drivers licenses, and did I mention signing papers? LOL!

Its been a busy weekend, but its our goal to be able to complete all of the paperwork this week and have it in the mail and returned back to FAC by Friday. Can we do it??! We are almost done and just waiting on our credit scores and reference letters to be returned to us hopefully next week. Things are moving along!

We'll let you know when its officially in the mail! Then our homestudy should be able to get started! YEAH! Hopefully, this next week will be a little less busy!