Tuesday, June 21, 2011


One of the gifts that Adelyn received from her foster mother at our first meeting was a BEAUTIFUL hanbok. We were so excited to receive this. It is so pretty and so extra special that her foster mother bought it for her. The hanbok is the Korean traditional dress and we will have Adelyn wear it for her first birthday celebration- called a dol. The dress is actually two parts- the bottom skirt is actually a sleeveless wrap-around dress. Then the top is a shirt that goes over. We also received a good luck purse for her. It is customary to put a gold coin and gold ring in it for her which symbolizes richness and wealth for her future. We also received an adorable headband that matches (you will find out soon that I LOVE headbands and hair accessories)! We can't wait to try it on her. I think its the smallest size you can get, but it will probably be huge on her! Yesterday, we bought her a pair of the cutest hanbok shoes that match! She will be one beautiful little lady on her birthday!!