I remember how sloooooooooow the five weeks went before we got our travel call. I wished I could have sped up time. Now five weeks have gone by like a blink of an eye and I wish I could just freeze time for awhile!!!
So what is our dear Adelyn up to??
* She is very smart and learns basic sign language ("more", "all done", etc...) so fast! We showed her the sign for "more" during dinner and the next morning at breakfast Carson said the word "more" in normal conversation and she started doing it!! We couldn't believe it!* Her language is definitely growing. She babbles all the time and even sings to us! I swear she says "hi" and Kolby thinks she says "cook" when she plays with her wooden cookies. She says both "mama" and "dada" all the time* When she is eating and is full, she has her own signal. She scrunches her eyes closed like a wink. Its so cute! She will look at you but the second you bring the spoon near her she scrunches her eyes closed! I will try to get this on video to share! Its so cute!* She loves to play with the boys. Especially in the morning. They play peek-a-boo with her while she sits in her co-sleeper and she squeals in delight and jumps up and down. Its so funny. * Grandma watched her for a couple hours while we went to see the last Harry Potter. She did GREAT!! This was a good test to see how she will do in the fall when grandma watches her.* She is such a climber! She climbs on everything... and has no fear. We have to watch her like a hawk or she is climbing on the fireplace or halfway up the steps the second we turn around!!* She is standing up on her own for 10-20 seconds at a time. She has a walker that she walks and pushes all over the house! She will be walking soon for sure!!Well... nothing too exciting to report, but I just love seeing these little milestones. I love watching her experience new things. Love my girl!!!
I am so so happy you continue to share - thank you!
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