Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Family Visit/Bridal Shower

We traveled to the other side of the state to visit with Jeff's family last weekend and to also attend the bridal shower of one of our nieces. We had such a great time and Addi did great meeting cousins, aunts and uncles. She played good, ate good and even took naps pretty well... especially considering it was in a new place with new sights and sounds. She even slept through the night for the most part (she usually wakes up one time to snuggle and goes back to sleep).

Everyone loved her to pieces!!

She especially loved her cousin Courtney's bird- JJ! She kept trying to pet him which JJ definitely did not like, but he did tolerate her trying to kiss him! It was so funny! One time, he even landed on her head for a few seconds before flying away.

She also loved taking baths in Auntie Julie's sink! What a silly girl!

She also did great at the bridal shower. She was dressed up in her little ladybug dress with matching shoes and headband and she looked so cute! She was such a good little girl. She ate great (surprise!) and even fell asleep on me in the carrier for a short cat nap. She LOVED grandma's cake and cookies she made for the shower.

Here is an adorable picture of Grandma B with all of her granddaughters at the shower!!!!

Adelyn is loved by so many!! She is such a lucky little girl to have such an amazing family... then again, I think we are the lucky ones to have her!!!


The Annessa Family said...

Oh my! Her with the bird and her in the sink is just PRICELESS!
