While in Korea, we spent a LOT of time on the subway. The subway is INCREDIBLE! So clean and easy to navigate. But every few stops we would hear a catchy little song played. It took us at least three or four days for us to figure out that this song played whenever you could transfer to another line. I remember hearing it at the Seoul University stop and thinking maybe that was their theme song or something, but then when I heard it again later, I realized that blew that theory. I finally guessed that it happened at the transfer stops! Lightbulb!! We were so proud of ourselves when at the next transfer stop the little jingle started playing! Anyways, the song is really catchy and we would find ourselves humming along and giggling whenever it played. Adelyn even bounced up and down in her carrier whenever it came on.
So when I saw a fellow adoptive friend post this on her
blog, it totally made my day! Jeff was sitting on the floor next to me and I had the laptop. I excitedly told him that I had a song I was going to play and he had 3 seconds to guess it. As soon as it started, he immediately broke out into laughter. We were both giggling and reliving our trip to Korea. We recognized so many of the stations and landmarks in the video. And of course... the song... I will never forget this catchy little song!
So for all of you world travelers that have been to Korea... enjoy. I hope it brings back fond memories for you too. And to all of those adoptive parents waiting for their travel call, I hope when you are finally sitting on the subway in Seoul and hear this for the first time, you will smile and feel very smart for knowing what it means!
Too funny!
Great tune!!!
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