Thursday, June 16, 2011

Retail Therapy...

So I think its fair to say that over the last 18+ months, I've needed a little... therapy of sorts... to help survive this wait...


Whenever the wait started to get to me, I did what any girl knows how to do best. I went shopping! Of course I always headed right to the clearance racks and it was sooooo much fun to be able to look through the PINK stuff for a change! Over the last months I have accumulated quite a collection of skirts, shirts, leggings, dresses, jackets, shoes, jeans, pajamas and headbands. Of course I've gotten almost everything about 75% off too! Even though I had to guess on sizes, I think we've lucked out! Almost all of her outfits are 12 month summer clothes. I have also received some ADORABLE outfits and gifts from dear friends. Thank you so much!

These are a few of my favorite things!!!


mummyofprincesses said...

LOVE the outfits! I had given away a lot of my little girl things so was able to enjoy some retail shopping again for everything baby girl! Praying for you!

Sarah Woodring said...

I'll be thinking of you as you travel tomorrow and all week too! I hope things go so smoothly for you and I can't wait to hear all about it! I don't want to invade your space, but when you are ready for visitors, I hope you don't mind if I stop by!! :) Enjoy and congrats!!

The Annessa Family said...

Those shoes are adorable!

Brooke Annessa