Saturday, July 23, 2011


Auntie Julie caught this photo on her camera from this last weekend at her house. I absolutely LOVE it!! It sums up how happy and silly our baby girl is! She is always giggling and laughing and making us giggle and laugh!!!!


Unknown said...

I'm one of those mommy's waiting and I heard the best description of the wait the other day. A lady said it feels like your child has been abducted and you know where they are, but you can't go get them. These babies are real to their families. We have bonded with our little ones. So I with Amber ask for your prayers. Please petition our Lord for His favor!

Shelly said...

Amber - I'll join you in praying. When we got Katie 18 years ago, I felt these same powerful emotions. Joy and sorrow all at once. Grief for a birthmom's loss yet unspeakable joy for my gain. Grief for friends who had placements fall through while we snuggled our gift. Such gratitude and yet pleading and petitioning to God. It happens again on Mother's and Father's day. We are neglectful in not acknowleding the pain of the wait and the loss for birthfamilies. I'm thankful our God is the Great Comforter and Healer. Our Social Worker said we had to go through the process of Relinquishment and Entitlement. Birthfamilies lovingly choose to make a better way for their children by relinquishing their rights as parents. This relinquishment entitles us to takeover the parenting of these precious children. We're allowed. They are ours. We're entitled. Be joyful! These children are blessed with birthparent, foster parent and finally adoptive parent love. How awesome is that! Our Katie is on her way back home after spending a week visiting her birthmom & birthfamily. I can truly say it is well with my soul to have her loved and adored by all of us. Sharing your joy, and grief, Shelly Telfor (Pat, Katie, Matthew and of course Claire!)